Saturday, November 11, 2006

Out Into All

I do wonder, and wonder still. Existence accepts my wonder, and perhaps some day will reply. But it takes a long time for questions to bounce off the edge of the universe and return as answers. Why this surprises us, I’m not really sure.


Jama said...

Are you sure there is an edge to the universe???

You know that the One Who Answers is much closer than that.

Daniel said...

Is there an edge? That is a question to throw out into all. But yes: I know. However, throwing questions out sometimes feels as if such were towards the edge of forever (whether or not there is one). Maybe "it" is much nearer--maybe "maybe" is too conditional a word, and "it" too vague. Perhaps, then, we are surprised, not because replies are long in coming, but because, when they come fast from so near, we miss them.
Why this surprises us, I'm not really sure, still.