Norman Bufort Watches the Sun
One person once thought, "I think I know what love is like--it's like wanting to stare at the sun." But that person wasn't Norman Bufort. The tiny person sitting on that cliff above a sun-drenched valley didn't try and look the sun in the eye. No one can do that without becoming blind. Norman had no intention of becoming blind. But the light the sun gave, he quite enjoyed. It cascaded through the trees and slid up the side of the cliff to meet him with warmth and peace. And he smiled. Norman Bufort smiles a lot. This was one sunset among many that he sat with, quietly cheering the sun goodnight. He didn't have to stare it down to enjoy its waning light. All he had to do was to put himself where the light was, and look across to all the other places it reached. He knew he was small. But he also knew that the sunset was glorious, and that he was priveleged with a front row seat.
You are your mother's son. :)
Does Norman Bufort have a friend?
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