Friday, January 06, 2006


What do you see here?
A picture of a few of those cold, metal folding chairs taken on Dec. 14, 2003. Now, it may just be coincidence, but you know how sometimes if you use these chairs to reach high places (for lack of a stool), they inadvertently fold in on you? Or perhaps, as you're folding them, you pinch yourself. Or what about when you stack them up against each other, and they fall down when you are certain you stacked them up perfectly well? Sometimes it seems as though there is some force of mischief that is working against you. And it's not just with metal folding-chairs either, as I'm sure you know.
This picture was actually taken from the archives of IRIS (Investigative Research of Invisible Species). This organization specializes in discovering, analyzing, and documenting the effects of "optically-elusive" creatures on the visible environment, most importantly concerning their influence on humans. It just so happens that in this picture, there is photographed one of the sneakiest, most conniving creatures unknown to man. Invisible to the naked eye, the creature is easily seen when viewed through X-ray:
What you see in this picture is known as a farga. Farga's are notorious for one thing and one thing only: chaos. You stack boxes in the garage and as soon as you turn around, they fall over. You organize the papers on your desk only to have a breeze fly in and disorganize. You're running and suddenly you trip over...nothing. Or is it nothing?
What you are experiencing when these or like- circumstances occur is the fargas themselves in action. Fargas feed off of chaos. They will deliberately cause whatever meyhem they can lay their big, luggish hands on. As you can see in these renderings (based on the x-ray), they are the epitome of mischief and havoc.
Knocking over things, causing objects to fall, tampering with car engines, shorting electrical devices, and throwing-off human stability in any shape, form, or fashion is their niche. It is what they do. And they absolutely love computers. They have been known to be behind over 4,989,784,865 computer problems in the past year.
Why hasn't anyone done anything about them?, you ask. Why hasn't IRIS or other organizations of the same nature routed out and undermined the little chaos-maker devils? So far, the only thing found to work against them is ignoring them. If they don't receive recognition for their chaos, it decreases the food source, causing them occasionally to look for food elsewhere. As for further efforts--well, you try circumventing a farga and see if your life gets any easier! I tried, and in the past 3 hours I've had 4 spills, 9 objects fall over, my computer has crashed twice, and I tripped over my own nose. MY NOSE! How does someone trip over their nose?
One word: Farga.
Be on the lookout. They're everywhere.

1 comment:

Mr. Brian said...

I'm skeered