Wednesday, August 17, 2005

And Then...

When we last left our natural friends (the stick and the leaf), they were stuck on a rock in the middle of a stream.

Yes, that is exactly how we left them.

And then, a few hours later...

...they were still there.

Then Xylem (the stick) said to Phloem (the leaf), "Hey! You wanna get off this rock?"
Phloem kept staring at absolutely nothing (as he is so prone to do), but said, "Sure."
A few minutes passed by, and they remained.
Finally, Phloem said, "how do we get off?"
"We swim, I suppose."
Phloem, staring at nothing, said, "Oh." There was a 5-minute pause. "But I can't swim."
"Well, how'd you get on this rock?" asked Xylem.
"I floated," replied Phloem.
"Well that's what I meant," said Xylem."
" OK. Let's go."

So they went.

And they floated downstream.

As for Mr. Burton and Ezz, they got so lost that they wandered onto a completely wrong page.

Somedays, that happens.

(Put a comment on the August 15th post to contribute to an upcoming story!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!!! I finally got caught up, because you took some time away from the computer! I love your stories, Daniel. How do you do it??? It is like Adventures in Adventures, grown-up!

I'm interested to see what encounters Xylem and Phloem will have. I know they will be peaceful. I'm wondering why Phloem (or is the stick Xylem?) is so crooked? Normal people choose very straight sticks as walking sticks. Of course, a stick man is not really a normal person, so maybe that answers my question.

Please don't let the "lost ones" get eaten by the dinosaur. That would be a too abrupt ending, and very unsatisfying.