Sunday, August 28, 2005


I decided that, while I have a plethera of characters on this thing already, it'd be fun to have you meet one other character I designed awhile ago. His name is Rupert. He's a happy, chubby fella, and I think he might have a dog or something. Oh, and he's been to Colorado, which is something I have yet to do. It's so odd how my characters do so much more than me...I'm living my life through them, I suppose. *Sigh* So this is Rupert. What's that, Rupert? Oh, he wants to type:

Hello, yous guys! My name is Rupert. Yeah. Rupert...and I have a pet dump truck in my backyard. It has three wheels. It did have four, but the other one decided to take off on its own. I don't think the other three liked that too much. Yeah. Oh, hey, have any of you seen that new movie? You know, the one about the guys in the...oh what is it? Oh! No, nevermind. I'm thinkin' of somethin' else. Haha! I just spilled mustard on myself. Okay, gotta go and clean my shirt up. I'll talk to all you guys sometime when I'm not so messy! Oh, and remember to always turn off your faucet when it is not in use. Yes. That's important. Otherwise the fishies will revolt. Okay, bye bye!

Yep. That's Rupert. He likes to ramble about random things. Maybe I'll let him on again sometime soon. Anyways, that's the end.


Anonymous said...

Does Rupert have attention problems? He seems unable to focus.

Anonymous said...

Hey, isn't Rupert on the BCM flyers? Yay for Rupert.